Branko cdc Gold Jig
3,50 €A variation of the mighty Branko’s Jig nymph. Different body, lighter gold bead, and the same unique attractiveness!
Branko cdc Jig
3,50 €This Branko’s creation is incredibly effective in a lot of situation. It’s unique body material and the cdc fibers give it an unique attractiveness !
3,50 €The Cannabis from Branko is a terrific fly on the Idrijca river! Even without any visible rising! But it also prove to be a must on all rivers and lake across the world!
It’s very specific body’s material is part of the secret…
Eel Gammare
3,50 €This gammare from Branko is tied with eel’s skin for the back. It gives an unique transparency in the water. Highly effective.
Electric Pheasant
3,50 €A pheasant tail with a touch of fluo. Moderate weight for all kind of situation.
Etiage Baetis
3,50 €A very elegant and light imitation of baetis. Usefull when the water levels are low and you need discretion!
Orange nymph
3,50 €A fluo red headed nymph with brown clear body. Moderate weight for all kind of situation.